Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Well, here I am again. Writing a post that no one will probably read. I guess that I'm just depressed again. Anyway, I wanted to write today about introverts (I proudly am one of).  I just wanted everyone to know how our minds work, as most people nowadays are extroverted to some extent or another. Most introverts are extremely introverted, and we usually feel like we can't fit in well to the extroverted society, so we either close down even more, or we try to change ourselves (which never really works).

Something that everyone should know about introverts is that we need to have alone time every day to recharge. Sometimes even several times a day. I know that I need to recharge after every large (>10 people) gathering that I get forced to attend. Unlike extroverts, who recharge while in the company of many people, I need to go on a long walk alone to get ready for the next delve into social life.

Another big thing is that when we are quiet, that just means that we're thinking, not that we're mad at you or depressed. You should never interrupt a thinking introvert, they will get mad at you for that. If you want to talk to one who is currently thinking, you should patiently wait for them to acknowledge your presence, then proceed to socialize.

Some people think that introverts are shy and won't have long conversations with anyone. That is the basest kind of lie. It's merely that we don't see the point of small talk, and we won't talk to you just to fill a silence. However, if you get an introvert talking about something that they are really interested in, they won't shut up for hours. The trick to talking with introverts is to find a common interest and to not interrupt them or cut them off. That is another sure-fire way to piss them off and to put them back into their shell.

As far as friends go, introverts don't need nearly as many as extroverts.  I know nine people in this world that I would call a friend, and I love them with an unrivaled passion. If you are lucky enough to have an introvert call you a friend, then you should know that you have a loyal friend for life. We introverts don't like large crowds of people that we don't know. At parties, we will attach to the few friends we have there, and probably not leave their side until we go home.

The last thing that you should know is that when an introvert wants to be alone, YOU LEAVE THEM ALONE! The easiest way to lose an introverted friend is to go with them when they leave to recharge. Many times they will like to be alone in their room or in nature (I prefer the latter). If they are gone for two or three hours, that is entirely normal. Don't call them and make sure they are ok. They will be fine as long as you leave them alone.

I suppose that there is one more thing... When we get really thoughtful, we will occasionally forget to put an emotion on our face before we leave all thoughts of our surroundings behind us. Don't worry if an introvert is just sitting in a chair, looking completely dejected. they are just thinking, and I refer you to paragraph 3 for more information on that.

Thanks for reading!

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