Sunday, February 26, 2012

"It's Either Sadness or Euphoria"

Well, it's a new week, and I have a good feeling about it. Today has been great so far, and I expect the best for the rest of the day. Although last week kinda sucked, it just makes me think of the Billy Joel song, "Summer, Highland Falls" when the refrain ends on the lyrics, "It's either sadness or euphoria."  Especially with my life recently, I feel like there is no middle ground. I'm either depressed and exhausted or euphoric and bouncing off the walls.

On another note, I've been expanding my video game base recently. I've started to play Kingdom Hearts on the PS2, and while it lives up to a lot of what I've heard, I don't see what everyone freaks out about, it's like a lot of other RPGs I've played. But despite that, it is still a great game. As for games I have been playing for a while, League of Legends is still a lot of fun (even though I am rather bad at it).  I love that I can sit and finish a game within an hour, it makes for a great break in the middle of homework or in between classes.

So I recently finished "The Ninja Handbook".  It's a hilarious look into the hidden lives of ninjas. It explains the steps for a non-ninja to become a ninja, as well as many of the ninja's enemies. If you ever find it, and are even remotely fascinated by the ninja life style, I strongly recommend this book.

Thanks for reading!

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