Friday, February 17, 2012

Ohai there!

Well, here's my first post. Ever. It's a little weird to be putting my thoughts out here like this, where everyone and their mom can see them. I don't really know how often I'll post, or even what I'll post about. So, this will probably be just an amalgamation of my random thoughts and interior monologues, posted at random intervals.

Anyway, today was pretty good. I had classes all day, but they weren't too bad. Just really slow. I hate slow days, but at least I have the weekend to look forward to. I can't wait for all my suitemates to come back (it's eerily quiet around here). I'm watching the Firefly episode "War Stories" as I write this, and I forgot how funny it is. I wish I could be in something like this. Acting is the greatest form of art (in my opinion), and these nine people have created a beautiful world, full of life and love. I would be the happiest man on Earth if I could ever be involved in something as amazing as this. So I'll close today's post with one of my favorite quotes from "War Stories".

"Don't the Bible have some pretty specific things to say about killing?"
"Quite Specific. However, it's a little fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps..."

Thanks for reading!

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