Saturday, February 18, 2012


So I like to think that I'm a bit of a poet, and while I haven't written too many of them, I still like the few that I have done. So here's one that about sums up how I feel today.

“Footprints in the Snow”

A blinding field of white
Muffles everything.

Bundled up,
Hiding within their shells of scarves.
Looking within,
There is little to be seen,
Bulging coats of feather down obscures the truth.

Blowing winds bites the ears
With statements of reality.
Hats and warm earmuffs protect
And make our pretend worlds more real.

Hands, unused to hardness
Are concealed within leather gloves,
Hide from the call to good deeds.

Looking at each other, we see only collections
Of Coats, Hats, and Gloves.
Obscuring the person underneath,

If truth be desired,
Look to the snow.
Even if we veil our present,
Only the wind can disturb where we’ve been,
Our footprints in the snow.

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